Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Metaphor For a World Undone

A reckless flame,
Spreading wildly
Across cityscapes
And abandoned fields;
A sphere of confusion,
And contradiction,
A wilted flower in its prime,
Lost in a maze,
Of howling wings,
A deluge of crows
Settling on the unprotected
Land of a gasping heart,
Bringing a sudden realization
that scavengers are
Omnipresent and will
Plunder all the most
Precious gems
Born so loosely,
Leaving a gaping, bleeding
In their wake.
Open, hurting
Barely having lived,
Now nearly dying.


~Nitoo Das~ said...

Welcome back. :)

"A deluge of crows..."

I'm partial toward things with crows in them.

Anonymous said...

this poem is amazing. i am speechless