Sunday, September 26, 2010

For the past week, it's come to my awareness that I need to be closer to God/spirit/the universe. I've realized that my life has lost its meaning in the midst of my pursuit of a medical degree and now the rigors of residency. It saddens me to think this way, but sometimes life feels so shallow, so self-centered, so finite and mundane. And I hate that.
Honestly, I am so anxious and stressed out most of the time. I don't have faith in positive outcomes. I am usually expecting the worst, on edge a lot of the time. I wish I had more faith. I wish I was certain of a higher presence guiding me, loving me, and holding me up.
I wish that in my work, I acted out of a higher sense of purpose, knowing that I am doing spiritual work by helping others. Right now, I don't feel that way. That also saddens me, because I wanted to become a doctor to achieve my highest purpose, which I believed was to help others. But, I don't feel this way anymore. Most of the time, I wonder why I went into medicine in the first place. I wish I had done something easier, less emotionally demanding, less stressful.
But, I want to be closer to God, for sure. In the midst of this busy life, I lament that I forget the larger picture, that something more beautiful than I realize exists.
What do you think?


Ailin said...

'I wish I was certain of a higher presence guiding me, loving me, and holding me up.'

I absolutely resonate with this!
I want to be able to feel that presence every day in my life, but it doesnt always happen and it makes me feel very down, but when i do feel it, its the most amazing feeling that i think any human could ever want.

I pray that we both can feel this larger, divine presence in our lives DAILY! maaaaaan i pray this with all my pretty sure then our lives will feel completely filled with light and joy.

Unknown said...

I think God wants to be found by us as much as we want to find Him. I will pray with you as well, that you might find His voice singled out among all the other noise of life.

Unknown said...

"'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord..." - Jeremiah 29:13-14a