Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dancing into Spring

Could it be that spring has finally arrived? I am so cautious to get my hopes up, just in case a blizzard comes through and spoils the blossoms that are awakening from the earth.
The wind is so much milder than the months before and spring seems to have come so suddenly. The daffodils and crocuses have already sprung up. The callary pear trees are blooming and it is so sunny out. I feel hopeful, happy.
I feel as if I am making my way through the web that I skillfully wove and I can see things more clearly than before. I can see the way I questioned and abandoned myself so freely. Having questioned my beliefs and reached the bottom and then having been pulled from a sea that was about to swallow me whole, I am at a different place. A clearer place. There is somewhere constructive to go from here. Spring always holds that promise. I'm ready to breathe everything out, stretch out of this skin grown scaly from winters of introspection, confusion and dark nights. Ready to leap forward, morph into a new being, armed with clarity and certainty.


Anonymous said...

A lovely post. Spring is such a hopeful time. It seems to me that when everything is changing around you, it makes you more aware of your own life force.

singingsolace said...

Thank you, Jane!!

And yes, I agree with you! Spring is just the most inspiring time of year.

~Nitoo Das~ said...

It's so sweet to believe in the inspiring nature of spring. I love spring too. It reminds me of home. :)

Irina Tsukerman said...

I feel exactly the same way! Except, well, today it snowed, so it was more like winter than spring! : )