Saturday, March 15, 2008

It is Saturday afternoon and I am sitting here studying, working toward one big dream. I have been losing sight of that lately, but I have faith that things will come together for me in a very beautiful way.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Today as I walked into school wearing my skirt and high-heeled boots, I imagined I was treading through a vast field with swings smack in the center. I just want to be alone like that for some time, just swinging up to the sky.

I saw my darling children in the pediatric unit today. They are the cutest little things on the planet. It surprises me to see what social beings we are...we need closeness on a very basic level...observing the kids made me realize that.

Had yoga class with my beloved Margherita. She always helps wring out the stress from my body and bring joy back into my heart.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

What can I say? It has been painstaking. I don't know if I can continue anymore. It is hard to explain, but I feel myself so drained, so damn exhausted. I keep reaching for inspiration. I keep trying to cultivate my spirituality, but time is always a factor. I am barely making it. I just want a time out. I just want to be back in the Redwood Forest. I want to put my head on the earth again. The chief warned us not to leave our souls behind us and I'm afraid I did. I just want to be left alone for a little while. I need some time to myself. Time for inspiration. Time to dance. Time for freedom. I am so afraid of getting onto the wards and being so focused on learning medicine that I forget to see the patients as human beings in need of comfort and compassion.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I'm back. I need an outlet. I will post entries with pictures. I need to write. Have been feeling pulled here again. Will write again.
With Love.